1 |
<?php |
2 |
//$Id: anglais.inc,v 1.8 2009-01-22 14:40:47 jbastide Exp $ |
3 |
$lang['non_traduit']="*"; |
4 |
$lang["langue"] = " English "; |
5 |
$lang["title_html"] = "Open Foncier"; |
6 |
$lang["openmairie"]="Open Municipality"; |
7 |
$lang["site"] ="Site web (Francais)"; |
8 |
$lang["version"] ="Version"; |
9 |
$lang["exemple"] = "Example"; |
10 |
$lang["vide"]=" "; |
11 |
$lang["vue_generale"]="Overview"; |
12 |
//documentation |
13 |
$lang["visualiser"]="view"; |
14 |
$lang["global"]="overall"; |
15 |
$lang["acces"]="access"; |
16 |
$lang["metier"]="JOB"; |
17 |
//mois |
18 |
$lang["Janvier"] ="January"; |
19 |
$lang["Fevrier"] ="February"; |
20 |
$lang["Mars"] ="March"; |
21 |
$lang["Avril"] ="April"; |
22 |
$lang["Mai"] ="May"; |
23 |
$lang["Juin"] ="June"; |
24 |
$lang["Juillet"] ="July"; |
25 |
$lang["Aout"] ="August"; |
26 |
$lang["Septembre"] ="September"; |
27 |
$lang["Octobre"] ="October"; |
28 |
$lang["Novembre"] ="November"; |
29 |
$lang["Decembre"] ="December"; |
30 |
//jour |
31 |
$lang["Lun"] ="Mon"; |
32 |
$lang["Mar"] ="Tue"; |
33 |
$lang["Mer"] ="Wen"; |
34 |
$lang["Jeu"] ="Thu"; |
35 |
$lang["Ven"] ="Fri"; |
36 |
$lang["Sam"] ="Sat"; |
37 |
$lang["Dim"] ="Sun"; |
38 |
// date |
39 |
$lang['date']="Date"; |
40 |
// ************************************ |
41 |
// * openmairie surcharge dbform * |
42 |
// ************************************ |
43 |
// |
44 |
$lang["Supprimer"]="Deleted"; |
45 |
$lang["Ajouter"]="Add"; |
46 |
$lang["de_la"] = "on the"; |
47 |
$lang["table"] = "table"; |
48 |
$lang["mis_a_jour"]="Modified"; |
49 |
$lang["ajoute"]="Added"; |
50 |
$lang["non_enregistre"] = "Not recorded"; |
51 |
$lang["supprime"] = "Deleted"; |
52 |
$lang['enregistrement']="recording(s)"; |
53 |
// |
54 |
// ************************************ |
55 |
// * tables generique openmairie * |
56 |
// ************************************ |
57 |
// |
58 |
$lang["collectivite"] = "communauty"; |
59 |
$lang['maire']="Mayor"; |
60 |
$lang['logo']="Logo"; |
61 |
$lang["utilisateur"] = "User"; |
62 |
$lang["pwd"]="Password"; |
63 |
$lang["idutilisateur"]="User"; |
64 |
$lang["profil"] = "Profil"; |
65 |
$lang["profil_onglet"] = "Profil overall"; |
66 |
$lang["libelle_profil"]="wording profil"; |
67 |
$lang["droit"]="Right"; |
68 |
$lang["droit_acces"] = "Access right"; |
69 |
$lang["email"] = "email"; |
70 |
$lang["code_service"] = "<font class='parametre'> Service Code </font>"; |
71 |
$lang["etoile"] = "<font class='parametre'> * </font> -> All services"; |
72 |
// *************************** |
73 |
// identifiant avec recherche |
74 |
$lang['id']="Id<br><img src='../img/rechercher.gif'>"; |
75 |
// identifiant sans recherche |
76 |
$lang['ids']="Id"; |
77 |
// complement |
78 |
$lang['cpt']="cpt"; |
79 |
// alt bouton |
80 |
$lang["retour"]= "Return"; |
81 |
$lang["aide"]= "Help"; |
82 |
$lang['no']="No"; |
83 |
// global message |
84 |
$lang["libelle"]= "wording"; |
85 |
$lang["obligatoire"]= "Compulsary"; |
86 |
$lang['occurence']="case(s)"; |
87 |
$lang["il_y_a"] = "There is"; |
88 |
$lang["pour"] = "for"; |
89 |
$lang["ou"] = "or"; |
90 |
$lang["du"]="of"; |
91 |
$lang["votre"]="your"; |
92 |
$lang["le"]="the"; |
93 |
$lang["la"]="the"; |
94 |
$lang["de"]="of"; |
95 |
$lang["dans"]="in"; |
96 |
$lang["choisir"] = "Choice"; |
97 |
$lang["Non"] = "No"; |
98 |
$lang["Oui"] = "yes"; |
99 |
$lang["inexistant"]="not existing"; |
100 |
$lang["existant"]="existing"; |
101 |
$lang["ans"] = "year"; |
102 |
$lang["incorrect"] = "not correct"; |
103 |
$lang["recommencer"] = "begin"; |
104 |
$lang["base"] = "database"; |
105 |
$lang["connectee"] = "connected"; |
106 |
$lang["lancement"]="Launch"; |
107 |
$lang["vous_n_avez_pas"]="you have 'nt'"; |
108 |
$lang["suffisants"]="sufficient"; |
109 |
$lang["insuffisants"]="not sufficient"; |
110 |
$lang["valider"]="Validate"; |
111 |
$lang["modifier"]="Change"; |
112 |
$lang["Modifier"]="Change"; |
113 |
$lang["est_valide"]="is validate"; |
114 |
$lang["selection"]="selecting"; |
115 |
$lang["en_construction"]="in building"; |
116 |
$lang["reconnectez_vous"]="Reconnect you"; |
117 |
$lang["pas_de"]="Not of"; |
118 |
$lang["resultat"]="Result"; |
119 |
$lang["pluriel"]="(s)"; |
120 |
$lang["saisie"]="Saisue"; |
121 |
$lang["nouveau"]="New"; |
122 |
$lang["ancien"]="old"; |
123 |
124 |
//commun |
125 |
/* |
126 |
$lang['observation']=" Observations"; |
127 |
$lang['x']="coordonnee x"; |
128 |
$lang['y']="coordonnee y"; |
129 |
$lang['numero']="Number"; |
130 |
$lang['plan']="Plan"; |
131 |
$lang['positionnement_sur_plan']="Position on the plan"; |
132 |
*/ |
133 |
// index.php |
134 |
$lang['reconnexion_depuis']="Reconnection since"; |
135 |
$lang['choix_bd']="Database choice"; |
136 |
// spg/login.php |
137 |
$lang["bienvenue"] = "Welcome"; |
138 |
$lang["vous_travaillez_sur"] = "You are working "; |
139 |
$lang["autre_base"] = "Other database"; |
140 |
$lang["identifiez_vous"]="I D E N T I F Y you"; |
141 |
$lang["identification"]="Identification"; |
142 |
$lang["acces_a"]="Access to"; |
143 |
$lang["login"] = "L o g i n "; |
144 |
145 |
// ****************************************** |
146 |
// * obj * |
147 |
// ****************************************** |
148 |
//fonction verifier -> msg erreur * |
149 |
$lang["possible"] ="possible"; |
150 |
$lang["impossible"] ="not possible"; |
151 |
$lang["une_seule"] ="only one"; |
152 |
$lang["un"] ="a"; |
153 |
$lang["choix"] ="choice"; |
154 |
$lang["oui"] ="yes"; |
155 |
$lang["non"] ="no"; |
156 |
//fonction cleSecondaire-> msg erreur * |
157 |
$lang["en_lien"] ="in link "; |
158 |
//fonction setonchange ->msg javascript |
159 |
$lang["saisie_uniquement_numerique"]="Saisure only numeric"; |
160 |
//fonction setlib |
161 |
$lang["identifiant"] ="Identified"; |
162 |
// ************************ |
163 |
// * scr * |
164 |
// ************************ |
165 |
// requeteur.php |
166 |
$lang["separateur_champ"]="Field s separator "; |
167 |
$lang["limite"]="Limit"; |
168 |
$lang["sortie"]="Shut"; |
169 |
$lang["tri"]="Sort"; |
170 |
$lang["TRI"]="Sort"; |
171 |
$lang["donnees"]="data"; |
172 |
$lang["voir"]="See"; |
173 |
$lang["resultat"]="Result"; |
174 |
$lang["egalement"]="Also"; |
175 |
$lang["disponible"]="free"; |
176 |
$lang["repertoire"]="directory"; |
177 |
//txtab.php |
178 |
//txform.php |
179 |
$lang["texte"]="text"; |
180 |
// ************************ |
181 |
// * spg * |
182 |
// ************************ |
183 |
//combo et combo2 |
184 |
$lang["verifiez_correspondance_avec"]="Verify the correspondence avec"; |
185 |
$lang["aucune_correspondance"]="N o <br> C o r r e s p o n d e n c e"; |
186 |
$lang["vous_devez_saisir_une_valeur_d_au_moins"]="You must to seasure a value at least"; |
187 |
$lang["caracteres_dans_le_champs"]="caractere(s)<br><br>in the field"; |
188 |
// loginchangepwd.php |
189 |
$lang["deuxieme"]="Second"; |
190 |
//upload.php |
191 |
$lang["envoyer"]="S e n d"; |
192 |
$lang["parcourir"]="Browse"; |
193 |
$lang["upload"]="UPLOAD"; |
194 |
$lang["a_envoyer"]="a envoyer"; |
195 |
$lang["absent"]="ABSENT"; |
196 |
$lang["car"]=" CARACTERES MAXIMUM "; |
197 |
$lang["autoriser"]="AUTORISER "; |
198 |
$lang["selection"]="SELECTION "; |
199 |
//doc.php |
200 |
$lang["documentation"]="DOCUMENTATION"; |
201 |
$lang["traduction"]="Translate"; |
202 |
$lang["en_cours"]=" "; |
203 |
$lang["encours"]="Underway"; |
204 |
$lang["sommaire"]=" I N D E X"; |
205 |
$lang["om_lettretype"]="Typifies letter (integration OpenMairie)"; |
206 |
$lang["loginchangepwd"]="Password"; |
207 |
$lang["om_sousetat"]="Under Edition (integration OpenMairie)"; |
208 |
$lang["import_script"]="Import in datafile csv format"; |
209 |
$lang["om_etat"]="Parameter Edition (integration OpenMairie)"; |
210 |
// voir.php |
211 |
$lang["fermer"]="shut"; |
212 |
$lang['fermer_fenetre']="Shut the window"; |
213 |
// rvb.php |
214 |
$lang['palette_graphique']="Graphic board"; |
215 |
$lang['composantes_rvb']="RVB Component"; |
216 |
$lang["rouge"]="R";/*"Rojo";*/ |
217 |
$lang["vert"]="V";/*"Verde";*/ |
218 |
$lang["bleu"]="B";/*"Azul";*/ |
219 |
$lang["hexadecimal"]="Hexadecimal"; |
220 |
$lang["couleur"]="Color"; |
221 |
$lang["survolee"]="flying"; |
222 |
$lang["selectionnee"]="Selected"; |
223 |
$lang["annuler"]="Cancel"; |
224 |
$lang["degrade_de_gris"]="Degrade of grey "; |
225 |
// ************************ |
226 |
// * rec * |
227 |
// ************************ |
228 |
//import_script.php |
229 |
$lang["upload"]="Upload"; |
230 |
$lang["transfert"]="Transfer"; |
231 |
$lang["fichier"]="File"; |
232 |
$lang["absent"]="Absentee "; |
233 |
$lang["a_envoyer"]=" To send"; |
234 |
// ************************ |
235 |
// * menu haut +msg * |
236 |
// ************************ |
237 |
$lang["recherche_globale"]="Global search"; |
238 |
$lang["tableau_de_bord"]=" Board "; |
239 |
$lang["changer"]="Changer"; |
240 |
$lang["non_accessible_avec"]=" not accessible with"; |
241 |
$lang["mot_de_passe"] = "Password"; |
242 |
$lang["deconnexion"] = "(De)Connection"; |
243 |
$lang["connexion"] = "Connection"; |
244 |
$lang["vous_n_etes_pas_connecte"] = "ou are not connected"; |
245 |
$lang["quitter"]="Quit"; |
246 |
// ************************ |
247 |
// * global menu * |
248 |
// ************************ |
249 |
$lang["option"]="option"; |
250 |
$lang["recherche"]="Search"; |
251 |
$lang["traitement"]= "Treatment"; |
252 |
$lang["transfert"] = "Transfer"; |
253 |
$lang["edition"] = "Edition"; |
254 |
$lang["import"] ="Import"; |
255 |
$lang["a_propos"] = "A Propos"; |
256 |
$lang["envoi"] = "Send"; |
257 |
$lang["sauvegarde"] = "Save"; |
258 |
$lang["lettretype"] = "Typifie letter"; |
259 |
$lang["etat"] = "Status"; |
260 |
$lang["sous_etat"] = "Under Edition"; |
261 |
$lang["sousetat"] = "Under Edition"; |
262 |
$lang["parametrage"] = "Setting"; |
263 |
$lang["gestion"] = "Management"; |
264 |
$lang["requetes_memorisees"]= "Remembered request"; |
265 |
$lang["reqmo"]= "Remembered request"; |
266 |
$lang["message_1"]= "The file is exported, ou can open imediatly by click on : "; // *** |
267 |
$lang["message_2"]="It is also in directory tmp, his name is :"; |
268 |
$lang["afficher_ou_non"]= "Field to display"; |
269 |
$lang["criteres_recherche_tri"]="Criterion(s) of search and/or sort"; |
270 |
$lang["criteres_sortie"]="Sort criterion"; |
271 |
$lang["archive"]="Archive"; |
272 |
$lang["ergonomie"]="Ergonomia"; |
273 |
$lang["entre_le"] = "between"; |
274 |
$lang["et_le"] = "and"; |
275 |
$lang['caractere(s)_de_recherche']="\"Characters Search\""; |
276 |
$lang["tous_les_champs"] = "all fields"; |
277 |
$lang["commencant_par"] = "starting with"; |
278 |
$lang["se_terminant_par"] = "ending with "; |
279 |
$lang["contenant"] = "containing"; |
280 |
$lang["utilisation_de_%_pour_zones_de_saisie"]="% for use of the input fields"; |
281 |
$lang["afficher"] = "Display"; |
282 |
$lang["service"] = "Services"; |
283 |
$lang["emetteur"] = "Transmitter"; |
284 |
$lang["administrer"] = "Administer"; |
285 |
$lang["servicelib"] = "Service"; |
286 |
$lang["referent"] = "referent"; |
287 |
$lang["dossier"] = "Files"; |
288 |
$lang["observation"] = "Observation"; |
289 |
$lang["archive_fichier"] = "Archive File"; |
290 |
$lang["objet"] = "Object"; |
291 |
$lang["execution"] = "Execution"; |
292 |
$lang["creation"]="created"; |
293 |
$lang["destruction"]="deleted"; |
294 |
$lang["aucun_changement_fichier"] = "NO FILE CHANGED"; |
295 |
$lang["arrive"] ="arrival"; |
296 |
$lang["depart"] ="departure"; |
297 |
$lang["arrive"] ="arrive"; |
298 |
$lang["depart"] ="depart"; |
299 |
$lang["format_date"] = "JJMMAA or JJ/MM/AAAA"; |
300 |
301 |
$lang["lancer_la_recherche"] = "L A U N C H T H E S E A R C H"; |
302 |
$lang["votre_choix"] = "Your choice"; |
303 |
$lang["piece_jointe"] = " attached file"; |
304 |
$lang["pj"] = "Attached file(s)"; |
305 |
$lang["format_saisie_date"] = "Date saisure forma t"; |
306 |
$lang["seule_ou_entre_2"] = "only or between to "; |
307 |
$lang["fin"] = " ( end )"; |
308 |
$lang["type"] = "Typifie"; |
309 |
$lang["aucun_resultat"] = "no result"; |
310 |
$lang["resultat_recherche_sur"] = "Result of your search with "; |
311 |
$lang["imprimer_cette_page"] = "Print this page"; |
312 |
$lang["sur"] = "on"; |
313 |
$lang["prenom"] = "*surname"; |
314 |
$lang["servicerattachement"] = "attached service"; |
315 |
$lang["tel"] = "Tel."; |
316 |
$lang["depuis_derniere"] = "since the last"; |
317 |
$lang["vous_avez_deja_fait"] = "You have do already"; |
318 |
$lang["une"] = "a"; |
319 |
$lang["compteur"] = "meter"; |
320 |
$lang["reussie"] = "successful"; |
321 |
$lang["attention"] = "BE CARREFUL"; |
322 |
$lang["votre_profil_est"] = "Your profil is"; |
323 |
$lang["insuffisant"] = "not sufficient"; |
324 |
$lang["pas_de_saisie_depuis"]= "and you don't saisure since"; |
325 |
$lang["registre"] = "register"; |
326 |
$lang["datecourrier"] = "Mail date"; |
327 |
$lang["code"] = "code"; |
328 |
$lang["nom"] = "name"; |
329 |
$lang["adresse"] = "adress"; |
330 |
$lang["CP"] = "ZIP Code"; |
331 |
$lang["cp"] = "ZIP Code"; |
332 |
$lang["ville"] = "Town"; |
333 |
$lang["courriertype"] = "Typify of mail"; |
334 |
$lang["courrier"] = "Mail"; |
335 |
//**** |
336 |
$lang["date_courrier"] = "Mail date"; |
337 |
$lang["nocourrier"] = "Number Mail"; |
338 |
$lang["destinataire"] = "Target"; |
339 |
$lang["complement"] = "Completion"; |
340 |
// etat civil |
341 |
$lang["civilite"]="civility"; |
342 |
$lang["mr"] = "Sir"; |
343 |
$lang["mme"] = "Ms."; |
344 |
$lang["melle"] = "Miss"; |
345 |
$lang["nom"] = "Name"; |
346 |
$lang["marital"] = "Marital"; |
347 |
$lang["prenom"] = "Firstname"; |
348 |
$lang["datenaissance"] = "Date of birth"; |
349 |
$lang["etat_civil"] = "Marital status"; |
350 |
$lang["telephone"] = "Phone"; |
351 |
// |
352 |
$lang['observation']=" Observer"; |
353 |
$lang['x']="x coordinated"; |
354 |
$lang['y']="y coordinated"; |
355 |
$lang['numero']="Numero"; |
356 |
$lang['plan']="Map"; |
357 |
$lang['positionnement_sur_plan']="Positioning Map"; |
358 |
//============================================================================== |
359 |
// *** traitement metier *** |
360 |
$lang["etat_dossier"]="status of a file"; |
361 |
$lang["suivant_date"]="According to date"; |
362 |
$lang["remise_a_0"] = "Put back to zero"; |
363 |
$lang["recherche_dossier"] = "Search Files"; |
364 |
$lang["recherchedossier"] = "Search Files"; |
365 |
$lang["dossier_numero_manuel"] = "Manual file Numero"; |
366 |
$lang["dossier_numeromanuel"] = "Manual file Numero"; |
367 |
$lang["num_dossier"] = "File Number"; |
368 |
$lang["import"] = "Import"; |
369 |
$lang["export"] = "Export"; |
370 |
$lang["export_dp"] = "Export Preliminary declaration"; |
371 |
$lang["export_pc"] = "Export Building permit"; |
372 |
$lang['export_sig']="Export GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM"; |
373 |
374 |
$lang['numero_modificatif']="Modificatif number"; |
375 |
$lang['sans_saisie_depuis']= "You made a discount for zero without seizure since on"; |
376 |
$lang['dernier_numero'] = "The last number of "; |
377 |
$lang['pas_date']="is not a date"; |
378 |
$lang['modificatif']="modificatif"; |
379 |
$lang['date_modificatif']="Modificatif date"; |
380 |
$lang['module']="Module"; |
381 |
// *** edition |
382 |
$lang['edition_p']="Edition filing date"; |
383 |
$lang['edition_d']="Edition date decision"; |
384 |
$lang['repertoire_dossier_depose']= 'Directory of the deposited files'; |
385 |
$lang['registre_ads']="Register of files ADS"; |
386 |
$lang['choix_date_nature']="choice begin /end deposit date and Nature"; |
387 |
$lang['choix_date']="choice begin /end deposit date "; |
388 |
$lang['fin']="end"; |
389 |
// *** objets metiers *** |
390 |
// *** dossier |
391 |
$lang["localisation"] = "Location"; |
392 |
$lang["types"] = "Typifies File"; |
393 |
$lang["annee"] = "Year"; |
394 |
$lang['instructeur']="Instructor"; |
395 |
// demandeur - delegataire |
396 |
$lang['demandeur_civilite']="Civility"; |
397 |
$lang['demandeur_nom']="Name"; |
398 |
$lang['demandeur_categorie']="Category"; |
399 |
$lang['demandeur_societe']="Cie"; |
400 |
$lang['represente_par']="Represented by"; |
401 |
$lang['demandeur_adresse']="adress"; |
402 |
$lang['demandeur_cp']="Zip code"; |
403 |
$lang['demandeur_ville']="Town"; |
404 |
$lang['demandeur_pays']="Country"; |
405 |
$lang['demandeur_telephone']="Tel"; |
406 |
$lang['demandeur_email']="email"; |
407 |
$lang['delegataire_civilite']="Agent"; |
408 |
$lang['delegataire_nom']="Agent"; |
409 |
$lang['delegataire_prenom']="First name"; |
410 |
$lang['delegataire_societe']="Cie"; |
411 |
$lang['delegataire_adresse']="adress"; |
412 |
$lang['delegataire_cp']="Zip Code"; |
413 |
$lang['delegataire_ville']="Town"; |
414 |
$lang['delegataire_pays']="Country"; |
415 |
$lang['delegataire_telephone']="Tel"; |
416 |
// terrain |
417 |
$lang['terrain_numero']="Ground"; |
418 |
$lang['terrain_adresse']="Ground adress"; |
419 |
$lang['terrain_surface']="Surface"; |
420 |
$lang['terrain_surface_calcul']="Calculate"; |
421 |
// instruction |
422 |
$lang['date_depot']="Deposit the"; |
423 |
$lang['date_demande']="from"; |
424 |
$lang['date_complet']="Instruction the"; |
425 |
$lang['date_notification_delai']="Notified the"; |
426 |
$lang['date_limite']="Instruction the"; |
427 |
$lang['date_rejet']="Rejected the"; |
428 |
$lang['delai']="Delay"; |
429 |
$lang['date_decision']="Decided the"; |
430 |
$lang['Decision']="Decision"; |
431 |
$lang['date_validite']="validated"; |
432 |
$lang['date_achevement']="Finished"; // date achevement de travaux (DAT) |
433 |
$lang['date_chantier']="Construction site"; // date ouverture de chantier (DOC) |
434 |
$lang['date_conformite']="Correspondence the"; |
435 |
$lang['accord_tacite']="tacit agreement"; |
436 |
$lang['complement1']="complement 1"; |
437 |
$lang['bible1']="bible 1"; |
438 |
$lang['complement2']="complement 2"; |
439 |
$lang['bible2']="bible 2"; |
440 |
$lang['complement3']="complement 3"; |
441 |
$lang['bible3']="bible 3"; |
442 |
$lang['complement4']="complement 4"; |
443 |
$lang['bible4']="bible4"; |
444 |
$lang['complement5']="complement 5"; |
445 |
$lang['bible5']="bible 5"; |
446 |
$lang['complement6']="complement 6"; |
447 |
$lang['bible6']="bible 6"; |
448 |
$lang['complement7']="complement 7"; |
449 |
$lang['bible7']="bible 7"; |
450 |
$lang['complement8']="complement 8"; |
451 |
$lang['bible8']="bible 8"; |
452 |
$lang['complement9']="complement 9"; |
453 |
$lang['bible9']="bible 9"; |
454 |
$lang['complement10']="complement 10"; |
455 |
$lang['bible10']="bible 10"; |
456 |
$lang['complement11']="complement 11"; |
457 |
$lang['bible11']="bible 11"; |
458 |
$lang['archive_delai']="archive delay "; |
459 |
$lang['archive_accord_tacite']="archive tacit agreement"; |
460 |
$lang['archive_etat']="archive status"; |
461 |
$lang['archive_avis']="archive avis"; |
462 |
$lang['archive_date_complet']="archive instruction date "; |
463 |
$lang['archive_date_rejet']="archive release date"; |
464 |
$lang['archive_date_limite']="archive limit date"; |
465 |
$lang['archive_date_notification_delai']="archive date of notification delay"; |
466 |
$lang['archive_date_decision']="archive date Decision"; |
467 |
$lang['archive_date_validite']="archive validity date"; |
468 |
$lang['archive_date_achevement']="archive completion date"; |
469 |
$lang['archive_date_conformite']="archive compliance date of"; |
470 |
$lang['archive_date_chantier']="archive date work"; |
471 |
// stats |
472 |
$lang['batiment_nombre']="Bulding number"; |
473 |
$lang['logement_nombre']="House"; |
474 |
$lang['hauteur']="height"; |
475 |
$lang['piece_nombre']="Room"; |
476 |
$lang['shon']="Shon Declared"; |
477 |
$lang['shon_calcul']="Shon calculate"; |
478 |
$lang['shob']="shob"; |
479 |
// amenagement |
480 |
$lang['amenagement']="Arrangement"; |
481 |
$lang['description']="Description"; |
482 |
// |
483 |
$lang['accueil']="Home"; |
484 |
// PC |
485 |
$lang['PC']="Building permit"; |
486 |
$lang['PC*']="Building permit"; |
487 |
$lang['PC_accueil_onglet']="Building permit Reception *"; |
488 |
$lang['PC_onglet']="Building permit *"; |
489 |
$lang['permis_construire']="Building permit"; |
490 |
$lang['maison_individuelle']="Single-family dwelling "; |
491 |
$lang['autre_construction']="Other construction"; |
492 |
$lang['PC_accueil']="Building permit Reception"; |
493 |
$lang['accueil_PC_onglet']="Building permit Reception *"; |
494 |
$lang['PC_modificatif']="Building permit modificatif"; |
495 |
// pd |
496 |
$lang['PD']="Licence of Démolir"; |
497 |
$lang['PD*']="Licence of Démolir"; |
498 |
$lang['PD_onglet']="Licence of Démolir *"; |
499 |
$lang['permis_demolir']="Licence of Démolir"; |
500 |
$lang['PD_accueil']="Licence of Démolir Reception"; |
501 |
$lang['PD_accueil_onglet']="Licence of Démolir Reception *"; |
502 |
// pd |
503 |
$lang['PA']="Development Permit"; |
504 |
$lang['PA*']="Development Permit"; |
505 |
$lang['PA_onglet']="Development Permit *"; |
506 |
$lang['permis_amenager']="Development Permit"; |
507 |
$lang['PA_accueil']="Development Permit Reception"; |
508 |
$lang['PA_accueil_onglet']="Development Permit Reception *"; |
509 |
// pd |
510 |
$lang['DP']="Preliminary declaration"; |
511 |
$lang['DP*']="Preliminary declaration"; |
512 |
$lang['DP_onglet']="Preliminary declaration *"; |
513 |
$lang['declaration_prealable']="Preliminary declaration"; |
514 |
$lang['DP_accueil']="Preliminary declaration Reception"; |
515 |
$lang['DP_accueil_onglet']="Preliminary declaration Reception *"; |
516 |
// architecte |
517 |
$lang['architecte']="Architect"; |
518 |
$lang['nom']="Name"; |
519 |
$lang['prenom']="First name"; |
520 |
$lang['adresse1']= "Adress 1"; |
521 |
$lang['adresse2']="Adress 2"; |
522 |
$lang['ville']="Town"; |
523 |
$lang['cp']="Zip code"; |
524 |
$lang['telephone']="Telephone"; |
525 |
$lang['fax']="Fax"; |
526 |
$lang['email']="Email"; |
527 |
$lang['note']="Notes"; |
528 |
$lang['pays']="Country"; |
529 |
// ** instruction |
530 |
$lang['instruction']="Instruction"; |
531 |
$lang['datecourrier']="Email date"; |
532 |
$lang['complement']="Complement"; |
533 |
$lang['complement2']="Complement 2"; |
534 |
$lang['destruction_evenement']="You have to destroy the last event number"; |
535 |
$lang['destruction_chronologique']="[In order chronological deletion]"; |
536 |
$lang['destinataire']="Addressee"; |
537 |
// ** consultation |
538 |
$lang['consultation']="Consultation"; |
539 |
$lang['consultation_retour']="back"; |
540 |
$lang['date_envoi']="Send"; |
541 |
$lang['date_retour']="Send back"; |
542 |
$lang['date_limite']="Limit"; |
543 |
$lang['mois']="Month"; |
544 |
$lang['retour']="Return"; |
545 |
// ** evenement |
546 |
$lang['evenement']="Event"; |
547 |
$lang['delai_notification']="Notification delay"; |
548 |
// * bible |
549 |
$lang['bible']="Bible"; |
550 |
$lang['automatique']="Automatic"; |
551 |
$lang['contenu']="content"; |
552 |
// ** travaux |
553 |
$lang["travaux"] = "Works"; |
554 |
$lang['codelascot']="Lascot code"; |
555 |
$lang['nature']="Nature"; |
556 |
// * regle |
557 |
$lang['regle']="Settle"; |
558 |
$lang['sens']="Sense"; |
559 |
$lang['ordre']="Order"; |
560 |
$lang['operateur']="Operateur"; |
561 |
$lang['valeur']="Value"; |
562 |
$lang['message']="Message"; |
563 |
$lang['champ']="Field"; |
564 |
$lang['plus']="More"; |
565 |
$lang['moins']="less"; |
566 |
$lang['egal']="Equal"; |
567 |
$lang['different']="Different"; |
568 |
// ** service |
569 |
$lang['service']="service"; |
570 |
$lang['adresse']= "adress"; |
571 |
// ** terrain |
572 |
$lang['terrain']="Ground"; |
573 |
$lang['sig']="S.I.G"; |
574 |
// ** blocnote |
575 |
$lang['blocnote']="Notes"; |
576 |
$lang['categorie']="Category"; |
577 |
$lang['demolition']="Demolition"; |
578 |
$lang['construction']="Construction"; |
579 |
$lang['divers']="Miscellaneous"; |
580 |
// ** destination shon |
581 |
$lang['destination_shon']="N°"; |
582 |
// ** avis |
583 |
$lang['avis']="Avis"; |
584 |
// ** destination |
585 |
$lang['destination']="Destination"; |
586 |
// ** rivoli |
587 |
$lang['rivoli']="Rivoli"; |
588 |
// ** proprietaire |
589 |
$lang['proprietaire']="Owner"; |
590 |
// ** parcelle |
591 |
$lang['parcelle']="Parcel"; |
592 |
$lang['surface']="Surface"; |
593 |
$lang['debut']="Begin"; |
594 |
$lang['pos']="POS"; |
595 |
$lang['cadastre']="Land registry"; |
596 |
// ** categorie_demandeur |
597 |
$lang['categorie_demandeur']="Category"; |
598 |
// ** civilite |
599 |
$lang['civilite']="civility"; |
600 |
// action |
601 |
$lang['workflow']="workflow"; |
602 |
$lang["action"]="action"; |
603 |
// transition |
604 |
$lang["transition"]="transition"; |
605 |
// autres dossiers (en cours de dev) |
606 |
$lang['IA']="Declaration Intention to alienate"; |
607 |
$lang['RU']="Rennseignement of town planning"; |
608 |
$lang['CU']="Certificate of town planning"; |
609 |
$lang['CU_onglet']="Certificate of town planning *"; |
610 |
$lang['intention_aliener']="Declaration Intention to alienate"; |
611 |
$lang['renseignement_urbanisme']="Rennseignement of town planning"; |
612 |
$lang['certificat_urbanisme']="Certificate of town planning"; |
613 |
$lang['tous']="All"; |
614 |
?> |