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Création de la branche à partir du snapshot 3.3.0-a2
Snapshot 3.3.0-a2
Suppression de la surcharge des méthodes __construct() et __destructu) inutiles
Indentation, Optimisation et Commentaires + suppression de la méthode verifieResultatBD + Utilisation de la méthode addToLog + Ajout de logs sur les requêtes SQL
Amélioration de la gestion des logs + Renommage d'une méthode getMetierInstancePrimaryKeyValue => getMetierInstanceValForPrimaryKey
dateDansIntervalle => dateInsideInterval
Indentation, Optimisation et Commentaires.
Corrcetion de doc sur block doc var, renommage des fonctions d'anglais a francais
Ajout des commentaires.
Ajout de la propriété keywords ($Id$) sur tous les fichiers du dossier services/. (svn propset svn:keywords "Id" services/*)
Indentation, Optimisation et Commentaires.
Partie REST du messages pour tous les 4 types de messages. Fichiers: metier/metiermanager.php, metier/messagesmanager.php, REST/messages.php
saving work
remove double insert into om_profile from v3.2.0-dev.sql, deleted the constructor from the utils.class.php since now it is the same as that of the om_application.php due to the fact that the login in the MetierManager is now set to 'admin'; moved th function that checks that a date is inside of an inteval into MetierManager
ticket 76 Version II - The consultation class is used
save of the consultation updates via rest, version I
save of services files
Ticket #56 - implementation finished except for encoding
implementation of the php script that does the update done; cron call and email sending done; remaining: change messages from English to French, test on real instance of openfoncier
added public, private, protected modifiers to functions
documentation, deleted some unused instance variables, need to retest everything, but should be ok
brushed up on respler.php, removed print statements, partly done documentation of seervice.php
Addition of services and function overrides into: obj/om_dbform.class.php, obj/utils.class.php
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