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Diff of /trunk/data/pgsql/initdata_sig.sql

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revision 134 by fraynaud, Thu Sep 22 10:41:33 2011 UTC revision 139 by fraynaud, Sat Sep 24 09:52:03 2011 UTC
# Line 2  Line 2 
2  -- initialisation de donnees  -- initialisation de donnees
3  -- base d'essai  -- base d'essai
5    -- cartes
7    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES(11, 1, 'servitude_surfacique', 'saisie surfacique servitude', '', '18', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.5868,43.6518,4.6738,43.7018', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/servitude_surfacique.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, libelle as titre,  observation as description, servitude_surfacique as idx from servitude_surfacique order by geom, servitude_surfacique', 'Oui', 'servitude_surfacique', 'geom', '../scr/tab.php?obj=servitude_surfacique');
8    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (5, 1, 'raphele', 'raphele', '', '6', '', '', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.71417,43.64,4.72994,43.65166', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', '', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/dashboard.php');
9    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (10, 1, 'servitude_ligne', 'saisie ligne servitude', '', '18', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.5868,43.6518,4.6738,43.7018', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/servitude_ligne.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, libelle as titre,  observation as description, servitude_ligne as idx from servitude_ligne order by geom, servitude_ligne', 'Oui', 'servitude_ligne', 'geom', '../scr/tab.php?obj=servitude_ligne');
10    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (8, 1, 'vitrolles', 'vitrolles demonstration', 'Oui', '4', '', '', 'Oui', 'Oui', '5.2094,43.4136,5.3345,43.4759', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', '', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/dashboard.php');
11    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (7, 1, 'masthibert', 'mas Thibert copie du 05/09/2011', '', '6', '', '', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.72345,43.55348,4.73134,43.55932', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', '', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/dashboard.php');
12    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (6, 1, 'agglomeration', 'agglomeration consultation', '', '18', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.5868,43.6518,4.6738,43.7018', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', '', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/dashboard.php');
13    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (3, 1, 'dossier', 'dossier saisie', 'Oui', '18', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.5868,43.6518,4.6738,43.7018', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', 'Oui', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/tab.php?obj=PC');
14    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (9, 1, 'servitude_point', 'saisie point servitude', '', '18', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.5868,43.6518,4.6738,43.7018', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/servitude_point.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, libelle as titre,  observation as description, servitude_point as idx from servitude_point order by geom, servitude_point', 'Oui', 'servitude_point', 'geom', '../scr/tab.php?obj=servitude_point');
15    INSERT INTO om_sig_point (om_sig_point, om_collectivite, id, libelle, actif, zoom, fond_osm, fond_bing, fond_sat, layer_info, etendue, projection_externe, url, om_sql, maj, table_update, champ, retour) VALUES (4, 1, 'salin', 'salin de giraud', 'Oui', '6', '', '', 'Oui', 'Oui', '4.701,43.3966,4.7636,43.4298', 'EPSG:2154', '../app/dossier.php?menu=0&id=', 'select astext(geom) as geom, parcelle as titre,  (dossier||'' ''||demandeur_nom) as description, dossier as idx from dossier order by geom,dossier', '', 'dossier', 'geom', '../scr/dashboard.php');
17    ALTER SEQUENCE om_etat_seq RESTART WITH 11;
19    -- widget
21    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (4, 1, 'Carte de Raphèle', '../scr/tab_sig_point.php?obj=raphele&zoom=6', 'Est présenté ici les permis de RAPHELE', '3');
22    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (2, 1, 'Carte de salin', '../scr/tab_sig_point.php?obj=salin&zoom=6', 'Est presente ici les permis de salin de giraud', '3');
23    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (1, 1, 'Ma météo à Arles', '#', '<div id=''cont_f5089b722555454d1872b91f52beafd4''>
24            <h2 id=''h_f5089b722555454d1872b91f52beafd4''><a href=''http://www.tameteo.com/'' title=''Météo''>Météo</a></h2>
25            <a id=''a_f5089b722555454d1872b91f52beafd4'' href=''http://www.tameteo.com/meteo_Arles-Europe-France-Bouches+du+Rhone--1-25772.html'' target=''_blank'' title=''Météo Arles'' style=''color:#666666;font-family:1;font-size:14px;''></a><script type=''text/javascript'' src=''http://www.tameteo.com/wid_loader/f5089b722555454d1872b91f52beafd4''></script>
26    </div>', '3');
27    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (5, 1, 'Mon horoscope', '#', '<!--DEBUT CODE ASTROO-->
29    <!--debut code perso-->
31    <iframe width=''232'' height=''302'' marginheight=''0'' marginwidth=''0'' frameborder=''0'' align=''center'' src=''http://www.astroo.com/horoscope.htm'' name=''astroo'' allowtransparency=''true''>
33    <!--fin code perso-->
35    <a href=''http://www.astroo.com/horoscope.php'' target=''_top'' title=''Cliquez-ici pour afficher l''horoscope quotidien''><font face=''Verdana'' size=''2''><b>afficher l''horoscope du jour</b></font></a></iframe>
37    <noscript><a href=''http://www.astroo.com/horoscope.php'' target=''_blank''>horoscope</a></noscript>
39    <!--FIN CODE ASTROO-->', '3');
40    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (6, 1, 'Carte agglomération ', '../scr/tab_sig_point.php?obj=agglomeration', 'representation de l agglomération d''Arles', '3');
41    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (7, 1, 'Actualités ATREAL', '#', '<script src=''http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.ajaxgaier.com/iGoogle/rss-reader%2B.xml&up_title=Actualit%C3%A9s%20atReal&up_feed=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.atreal.fr%2Fatreal%2Fcommunaute%2Factualites-atreal%2FRSS&up_contentnr=9&up_fontsize=9&up_lineheight=70&up_titlelink=&up_bullet=1&up_reload_feed=0&up_reload_fqcy=0&up_hl_background=FFFFFF&synd=open&w=200&h=100&title=&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js''></script>', '3');
42    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (8, 1, 'Retour Consultation', '../scr/tab.php?obj=consultation_retour', 'Ce lien vous permet d''accéder à la liste des consultations sans avis qui ont une date de retour encore valide', '3');
43    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (9, 1, 'Mes dossiers limite à 10 Jours', '#', '<script type=''text/javascript''>
44        $.ajax({
45            type: ''GET'',
46           url:''../app/tab_wid.php'',  
47           cache: false,
48           data: ''&obj=dossierlimite'',
49            success: function(html){
50                $(''#aff3'').replaceWith(html);
51            }
52        });
53    </script><div id=''aff3''></div>', '3');
54    INSERT INTO om_widget (om_widget, om_collectivite, libelle, lien, texte, om_profil) VALUES (3, 1, 'dossier notifié / dossiers', '#', '<script type=''text/javascript''>
55        $.ajax({
56            type: ''GET'',
57           url:''../app/jquerytest.php'',  
58           cache: false,
59           data: '''',
60            success: function(html){
61                $(''#aff3'').replaceWith(html);
62            }
63        });
64    </script><div id=''aff3''></div>', '3');
66    ALTER SEQUENCE om_etat_seq RESTART WITH 10;

Removed from v.134  
changed lines
  Added in v.139

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