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Contents of /trunk/gen/genetat.php

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Revision 3 - (show annotations)
Thu Feb 10 20:46:18 2011 UTC (13 years, 11 months ago) by fraynaud
File size: 4995 byte(s)
version initiale

1 <?php
2 /**
3 * ce script a pour objet de fabriquer des etats
4 * @package openmairie_exemple
5 * @version SVN : $Id: import.php 110 2010-09-30 14:00:43Z jbastide $
6 */
7 $DEBUG=0;
8 //echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n";
9 //echo "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"fr\" lang=\"fr\">\n";
11 require_once "../obj/utils.class.php";
12 $f = new utils(NULL, "genetat_script", _("etat"), "ico_import.png",
13 "etat_script");
14 /**
15 * Description de la page
16 */
17 $description = _("cet assistant vous permet de creer des etats ".
18 "directement a partir de vos tables ");
19 $f->displayDescription($description);
20 /**
21 *
22 */
23 set_time_limit(3600);
24 if (isset($_POST['choice-import']) and $_POST['choice-import'] != "---") {
25 $obj = $_POST['choice-import'];
26 } elseif(isset($_GET['obj'])) {
27 $obj = $_GET['obj'];
28 } else {
29 $obj = "";
30 }
31 if(isset($_GET['validation'])) {
32 $validation = $_GET['validation'];
33 } else {
34 $validation = 0;
35 }
36 if (isset($_POST['choice-field'])){
37 $field=$_POST['choice-field'];
38 }else{
39 $field='';
40 }
41 /**
42 * On liste les tables
43 */
44 // tab
45 $tab = array();
46 if ($f -> phptype == 'mysql')
47 $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM ".$f->database[$_SESSION['coll']]["database"];
49 if($f -> phptype == 'pgsql'){ //***pgsql
50 $sql ="select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='".$f -> schema."' ";
51 }
53 $res1 = $f -> db -> query ($sql);
54 if (database::isError($res1))
55 $res1->getDebugInfo(); //$this->erreur_db($res1->getDebugInfo(),$res1->getMessage(),$table);
56 else{
57 $k=0;
58 while ($row=& $res1->fetchRow()){
59 if(substr($row[0],-3,3)!= "seq" ){
60 $k++;
61 array_push($tab, $f->tablebase[$k]= $row[0]);
62 }
63 }
64 }// while
65 asort($tab);
66 echo "\n<div id=\"form-choice-import\" class=\"formulaire\">\n";
67 echo "<form action=\"../gen/genetat.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
68 echo "<fieldset>\n";
69 echo "\t<legend>"._("Choix table :")."</legend>\n";
70 echo "\t<div class=\"field\">";
71 echo "<label>"._("fichier")."</label>";
72 echo "<select onchange=\"submit()\" name=\"choice-import\" class=\"champFormulaire\">";
73 echo "<option>---</option>";
74 foreach ($tab as $elem) {
75 echo "<option value=\"".$elem."\"";
76 if ($obj == $elem) {
77 echo " selected=\"selected\" ";
78 }
79 echo ">".$elem."</option>";
80 }
81 echo "</select>";
82 echo "</div>\n";
83 echo "</fieldset>\n";
84 echo "</form>\n";
85 echo "</div>\n";
86 /**
87 * choix des champs
88 */
89 if ($obj != "" and $field=='') {
90 //
91 echo "\n<br>&nbsp;<div id=\"form-csv-import\" class=\"formulaire\">\n";
92 echo "<form action=\"../gen/genetat.php?obj=".$obj."&validation=1\" method=\"post\" name=\"f1\">\n";
93 echo "<fieldset>\n";
94 echo "\t<legend>"._("choix des champs")."</legend>";
95 echo "Utilisez ctrl key pour choix multiple<br><br>";
96 $sql= "select * from ".DB_PREFIXE.$obj;
97 $res2 = $f -> db -> query ($sql);
98 $info=$res2->tableInfo();
99 echo "<select multiple name=\"choice-field[]\" class=\"champFormulaire\">";
100 foreach($info as $elem){
101 echo "<option>".$obj.".".$elem['name']."</option>";
102 }
103 echo "</select>";
104 echo "<br><br>";
105 echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit-csv-import\" value=\""._("Import")." ".
106 $obj." "._("dans la base")."\" class=\"boutonFormulaire\" />";
107 echo "</div>";
108 echo "</fieldset>";
109 echo "</form>";
110 echo "</div>\n";
111 }
112 /**
113 * transfert dans la base
114 */
115 if ($obj != "" and $field!='') {
116 echo "\n<br>&nbsp";
117 echo "<fieldset>\n";
118 echo "\t<legend> Insertion dans la table etat</legend>";
119 // sql
120 $temp='';
121 $temp1='';
122 if($field!=array()){
123 for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($field); $i++) {
124 $temp2=explode(".",$field[$i]);
125 $temp3=$temp2[1];
126 $temp.=$field[$i].' as '.$temp3.',';
127 $temp1.="[".$temp3.']'.chr(13).chr(10);
128 }
129 $temp=substr($temp, 0, strlen($temp)-1);
130 }
131 if (file_exists ("dyn/standard/etat.inc"))
132 include("dyn/standard/etat.inc");
133 if (file_exists ("dyn/custom/etat.inc"))
134 include("dyn/custom/etat.inc");
137 $etat['om_sql']="select ".$temp." from &DB_PREFIXE".$obj." where ".$obj.".".$obj."='".$variable."idx'";
138 $etat['titre']="le ".$variable."aujourdhui";
139 $etat['corps']=$temp1;
140 // id
141 $etat['id']= $obj;
142 $etat['libelle']= $obj." gen le ".date('d/m/Y');
143 $etat['actif']=''; // contrainte null pgsql
144 $etat['sousetat']=''; // contrainte null pgsql
145 // om_collectivite
146 $etat['om_collectivite']= $_SESSION['collectivite'];
147 // parametre standard / custom
149 // next Id
150 $etat['om_etat']=$f-> db -> nextId(DB_PREFIXE.'om_etat');
151 $res= $f-> db -> autoExecute(DB_PREFIXE.'om_etat',$etat,DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT);
152 if (database::isError($res))
153 die($res->getDebugInfo()." => echec requete insertion etat");
154 else
155 echo $obj." "._("enregistre");
156 echo "</fieldset>";
157 }
158 ?>

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