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Contents of /trunk/obj/task.class.php

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 9585 - (show annotations)
Fri Oct 9 15:22:13 2020 UTC (4 years, 3 months ago) by gmalvolti
Original Path: branches/4.14.0-develop_demat/obj/task.class.php
File size: 30325 byte(s)
* Ajout de la colonne dossier dans la table et le listing de task
* Ajout de l'entré de menu Moniteur Plat'AU dans Administration > Options Avancées
* Ajout de la recherche avancée dans le listing de task
* Ajout du champ dossier dans les fonctions d'ajout de tâche

1 <?php
2 //$Id$
3 //gen openMairie le 14/04/2020 14:11
5 require_once "../gen/obj/task.class.php";
7 class task extends task_gen {
9 /**
10 * Définition des actions disponibles sur la classe.
11 *
12 * @return void
13 */
14 public function init_class_actions() {
15 parent::init_class_actions();
16 //
17 $this->class_actions[998] = array(
18 "identifier" => "json_data",
19 "view" => "view_json_data",
20 "permission_suffix" => "consulter",
21 );
22 }
24 public function setvalF($val = array()) {
25 parent::setvalF($val);
26 //
27 if (array_key_exists('timestamp_log', $val) === true) {
28 $this->valF['timestamp_log'] = str_replace("'", '"', $val['timestamp_log']);
29 }
30 }
32 function setType(&$form, $maj) {
33 parent::setType($form, $maj);
34 // Récupération du mode de l'action
35 $crud = $this->get_action_crud($maj);
37 if ($maj < 2) {
38 $form->setType("state", "select");
39 }
40 }
42 /**
43 *
44 */
45 function setSelect(&$form, $maj, &$dnu1 = null, $dnu2 = null) {
46 if($maj < 2) {
47 $contenu=array();
49 $contenu[0][0]="draft";
50 $contenu[1][0]=_('draft');
51 $contenu[0][1]="new";
52 $contenu[1][1]=_('new');
53 $contenu[0][2]="pending";
54 $contenu[1][2]=_('pending');
55 $contenu[0][3]="done";
56 $contenu[1][3]=_('done');
57 $contenu[0][4]="archived";
58 $contenu[1][4]=_('archived');
59 $contenu[0][5]="error";
60 $contenu[1][5]=_('error');
61 $contenu[0][6]="debug";
62 $contenu[1][6]=_('debug');
64 $form->setSelect("state", $contenu);
65 }
66 }
68 public function verifier($val = array(), &$dnu1 = null, $dnu2 = null) {
69 parent::verifier($val, $dnu1, $dnu2);
70 //
71 if (array_key_exists('timestamp_log', $this->valF) === true
72 && is_array(json_decode($this->valF['timestamp_log'], true)) === false) {
73 //
74 $this->correct = false;
75 $this->addToMessage(sprintf(
76 __("Le champ %s doit être dans un format JSON valide."),
77 sprintf('<span class="bold">%s</span>', $this->getLibFromField('timestamp_log'))
78 ));
79 }
80 }
82 protected function task_exists(string $type, string $object_id) {
83 $query = sprintf('
84 SELECT task
85 FROM %1$stask
86 WHERE state != \'%2$s\'
87 AND type = \'%3$s\'
88 AND object_id = \'%4$s\'
89 ',
91 'done',
92 $type,
93 $object_id
94 );
95 $res = $this->f->get_one_result_from_db_query($query);
96 if ($res['result'] !== null && $res['result'] !== '') {
97 return $res['result'];
98 }
99 return false;
100 }
102 /**
103 * TREATMENT - add_task
104 * Ajoute un enregistrement.
105 *
106 * @param array $params Tableau des paramètres
107 * @return boolean
108 */
109 public function add_task($params = array()) {
110 $this->begin_treatment(__METHOD__);
111 $timestamp_log = json_encode(array(
112 'creation_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
113 ));
114 // Mise à jour du DI
115 $valF = array(
116 'task' => '',
117 'type' => $params['val']['type'],
118 'timestamp_log' => $timestamp_log,
119 'state' => isset($params['val']['state']) === true ? $params['val']['state'] : 'new',
120 'object_id' => $params['val']['object_id'],
121 'dossier' => $params['val']['dossier'],
122 );
123 $task_exists = $this->task_exists($valF['type'], $valF['object_id']);
124 if ($valF['type'] === 'modification_DI' && $task_exists === false) {
125 $task_exists = $this->task_exists('creation_DI', $valF['object_id']);
126 }
127 if ($task_exists !== false) {
128 $inst_task = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
129 "obj" => "task",
130 "idx" => $task_exists,
131 ));
132 $update_state = $inst_task->getVal('state');
133 if (isset($params['update_val']['state']) === true) {
134 $update_state = $params['update_val']['state'];
135 }
136 $update_params = array(
137 'val' => array(
138 'state' => $update_state,
139 ),
140 );
141 return $inst_task->update_task($update_params);
142 }
143 $add = $this->ajouter($valF);
144 if ($add === false) {
145 $this->addToLog($this->msg, DEBUG_MODE);
146 return $this->end_treatment(__METHOD__, false);
147 }
148 return $this->end_treatment(__METHOD__, true);
149 }
151 /**
152 * TREATMENT - update_task
153 * Met à jour l'enregistrement instancié.
154 *
155 * @param array $params Tableau des paramètres
156 * @return boolean
157 */
158 public function update_task($params = array()) {
159 $this->begin_treatment(__METHOD__);
160 $timestamp_log = $this->get_timestamp_log();
161 if ($timestamp_log === false) {
162 $this->addToLog(__('XXX'), DEBUG_MODE);
163 return $this->end_treatment(__METHOD__, false);
164 }
165 array_push($timestamp_log, array(
166 'modification_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
167 'state' => $params['val']['state'],
168 'prev_state' => $this->getVal('state'),
169 ));
170 $timestamp_log = json_encode($timestamp_log);
171 $valF = array(
172 'task' => $this->getVal($this->clePrimaire),
173 'type' => $this->getVal('type'),
174 'timestamp_log' => $timestamp_log,
175 'state' => $params['val']['state'],
176 'object_id' => $this->getVal('object_id'),
177 );
178 $update = $this->modifier($valF);
179 if ($update === false) {
180 $this->addToLog($this->msg, DEBUG_MODE);
181 return $this->end_treatment(__METHOD__, false);
182 }
183 return $this->end_treatment(__METHOD__, true);
184 }
186 /**
187 * Récupère le journal d'horodatage dans le champ timestamp_log de
188 * l'enregistrement instancié.
189 *
190 * @param array $params Tableau des paramètres
191 * @return array sinon false en cas d'erreur
192 */
193 protected function get_timestamp_log($params = array()) {
194 $val = $this->getVal('timestamp_log');
195 if ($val === '') {
196 $val = json_encode(array());
197 }
198 if($this->isJson($val) === false) {
199 return false;
200 }
201 return json_decode($val, true);
202 }
204 /**
205 * VIEW - view_json_data
206 * Affiche l'enregistrement dans le format JSON.
207 *
208 * @return void
209 */
210 public function view_json_data() {
211 $this->checkAccessibility();
212 $this->f->disableLog();
213 if ($this->getParameter('idx') !== ']'
214 && $this->getParameter('idx') !== '0') {
215 //
216 $this->view_form_json();
217 }
218 else {
219 $this->view_tab_json();
220 }
221 }
223 protected function view_tab_json() {
224 $where = '';
225 if ($this->f->get_submitted_get_value('state') !== null
226 && $this->f->get_submitted_get_value('state') !== '') {
227 //
228 $where = sprintf(' WHERE state = \'%s\' ', $this->f->get_submitted_get_value('state'));
229 }
230 $query = sprintf('
232 *
233 FROM %1$stask
234 %2$s
235 ORDER BY task ASC
236 ',
238 $where
239 );
240 $res = $this->f->get_all_results_from_db_query($query, true);
241 if ($res['code'] === 'KO') {
242 return false;
243 }
244 $list_tasks = array();
245 foreach ($res['result'] as $task) {
246 $task['timestamp_log'] = json_decode($task['timestamp_log'], true);
247 $task['dossier'] = $task['object_id'];
248 if ($this->get_lien_objet_by_type($task['type']) === 'document_numerise') {
249 $val_dn = $this->get_document_numerise_data($task['object_id']);
250 $task['dossier'] = $val_dn['dossier'];
251 }
252 $list_tasks[$task['task']] = $task;
253 }
254 printf(json_encode($list_tasks));
255 }
257 protected function get_dossier_data(string $dossier) {
258 $val_di = array();
259 $inst_di = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
260 "obj" => "dossier",
261 "idx" => $dossier,
262 ));
263 $val_di = $inst_di->get_json_data();
264 if ($val_di['dossier_instruction_type_code'] === 'T') {
265 $val_di['date_decision_transfert'] = $val_di['date_decision'];
266 }
267 unset($val_di['initial_dt']);
268 unset($val_di['log_instructions']);
269 return $val_di;
270 }
272 protected function get_dossier_autorisation_data(string $da) {
273 $val_da = array();
274 $inst_da = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
275 "obj" => "dossier_autorisation",
276 "idx" => $da,
277 ));
278 $val_da = $inst_da->get_json_data();
279 return $val_da;
280 }
282 protected function get_donnees_techniques_data(string $fk_idx, string $fk_field) {
283 $val_dt = array();
284 $inst_dt = $this->f->get_inst__by_other_idx(array(
285 "obj" => "donnees_techniques",
286 "fk_field" => $fk_field,
287 "fk_idx" => $fk_idx,
288 ));
289 $val_dt = array(
290 'donnees_techniques' => $inst_dt->getVal($inst_dt->clePrimaire),
291 'cerfa' => $inst_dt->getVal('cerfa'),
292 );
293 $val_dt = array_merge($val_dt, $inst_dt->get_donnees_techniques_applicables());
294 if (isset($val_dt['am_exist_date']) === true) {
295 $val_dt['am_exist_date_num'] = '';
296 if (is_numeric($val_dt['am_exist_date']) === true) {
297 $val_dt['am_exist_date_num'] = $val_dt['am_exist_date'];
298 }
299 }
300 // Correspond à la nomenclature de Plat'AU STATUT_INFO
301 $val_dt['tax_statut_info'] = 'Déclaré';
302 //
303 if ($inst_dt->is_tab_surf_ssdest_enabled() === true) {
304 $fields_tab_surf_dest = $inst_dt->get_fields_tab_surf_dest();
305 foreach ($fields_tab_surf_dest as $field) {
306 if (isset($val_dt[$field]) === true) {
307 unset($val_dt[$field]);
308 }
309 }
310 } else {
311 $fields_tab_surf_ssdest = $inst_dt->get_fields_tab_surf_ssdest();
312 foreach ($fields_tab_surf_ssdest as $field) {
313 if (isset($val_dt[$field]) === true) {
314 unset($val_dt[$field]);
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 // Correspond à la nouvelle ligne CERFA v7 dans le DENSI imposition 1.2.3
319 if (isset($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf2']) === true
320 && isset($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf3']) === true
321 && (($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf2'] !== null
322 && $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf2'] !== '')
323 || ($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf3'] !== null
324 && $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf3'] !== ''))) {
325 //
326 $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf8'] = intval($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf2']) + intval($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf3']);
327 }
328 if (isset($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat2']) === true
329 && isset($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat3']) === true
330 && (($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat2'] !== null
331 && $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat2'] !== '')
332 || ($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat3'] !== null
333 && $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat3'] !== ''))) {
334 //
335 $val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat8'] = intval($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat2']) + intval($val_dt['tax_su_non_habit_surf_stat3']);
336 }
337 // Cas particulier d'un projet réduit à l'extension d'une habitation existante
338 $particular_case = false;
339 $fields_tab_crea_loc_hab = $inst_dt->get_fields_tab_crea_loc_hab();
340 foreach ($fields_tab_crea_loc_hab as $field) {
341 if (isset($val_dt[$field]) === false
342 || (isset($val_dt[$field]) === true
343 && ($val_dt[$field] === null
344 || $val_dt[$field] === ''))) {
345 //
346 $particular_case = true;
347 }
348 }
349 if ($particular_case === true) {
350 if (isset($val_dt['tax_ext_pret']) === true
351 && $val_dt['tax_ext_pret'] === 'f') {
352 //
353 $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf1'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_cstr'];
354 $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf_stat1'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_loc_stat'];
355 }
356 if (isset($val_dt['tax_ext_pret']) === true
357 && $val_dt['tax_ext_pret'] === 't') {
358 //
359 if (isset($val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === true) {
360 if (preg_match('/[pP].*[lL].*[aA].*[iI]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1
361 || preg_match('/[lL].*[lL].*[tT].*[sS]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1) {
362 //
363 $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf2'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_cstr'];
364 $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf_stat2'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_loc_stat'];
365 }
366 // if (preg_match('/[pP].*[tT].*[zZ]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1) {
367 // $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf4'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_cstr'];
368 // $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf_stat4'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_loc_stat'];
369 // }
370 // if (preg_match('/[pP].*[lL].*[uU].*[sS]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1
371 // || preg_match('/[lL].*[eE].*[sS]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1
372 // || preg_match('/[pP].*[sS].*[lL].*[aA]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1
373 // || preg_match('/[pP].*[lL].*[sS]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1
374 // || preg_match('/[lL].*[lL].*[sS]/', $val_dt['tax_ext_desc']) === 1) {
375 // //
376 // $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf3'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_cstr'];
377 // $val_dt['tax_su_princ_surf_stat3'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_loc_stat'];
378 // }
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 // Cas particulier de la surface taxable démolie
383 if (isset($val_dt['tax_surf_tot_demo']) === true
384 && isset($val_dt['tax_surf_tax_demo']) === true
385 && ($val_dt['tax_surf_tot_demo'] === null
386 || $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_demo'] === '')) {
387 //
388 $val_dt['tax_surf_tot_demo'] = $val_dt['tax_surf_tax_demo'];
389 }
390 return $val_dt;
391 }
393 protected function get_external_uid($fk_idx, string $fk_idx_2) {
394 $inst_external_uid = $this->f->get_inst__by_other_idx(array(
395 "obj" => "lien_id_interne_uid_externe",
396 "fk_field" => 'object_id',
397 "fk_idx" => $fk_idx,
398 "fk_field_2" => 'object',
399 "fk_idx_2" => $fk_idx_2,
400 ));
401 return $inst_external_uid->getVal('external_uid');
402 }
404 protected function get_demandeurs_data(string $dossier) {
405 $val_demandeur = array();
406 $inst_di = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
407 "obj" => "dossier",
408 "idx" => $dossier,
409 ));
410 $list_demandeurs = $inst_di->get_demandeurs();
411 foreach ($list_demandeurs as $demandeur) {
412 $inst_demandeur = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
413 "obj" => "demandeur",
414 "idx" => $demandeur['demandeur'],
415 ));
416 $val_demandeur[$demandeur['demandeur']] = $inst_demandeur->get_json_data();
417 $val_demandeur[$demandeur['demandeur']]['petitionnaire_principal'] = $demandeur['petitionnaire_principal'];
418 }
419 return $val_demandeur;
420 }
422 protected function get_architecte_data($architecte = null) {
423 $val_architecte = null;
424 if ($architecte !== null
425 && $architecte !== '') {
426 //
427 $inst_architecte = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
428 "obj" => "architecte",
429 "idx" => $architecte,
430 ));
431 $val_architecte = $inst_architecte->get_json_data();
432 }
433 return $val_architecte;
434 }
436 protected function get_instruction_data(string $dossier, $type = 'decision') {
437 $val_instruction = null;
438 $instruction_with_doc = null;
439 $inst_di = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
440 "obj" => "dossier",
441 "idx" => $dossier,
442 ));
443 $idx = null;
444 if ($type === 'decision') {
445 $idx = $inst_di->get_last_instruction_decision();
446 }
447 if ($type === 'incompletude') {
448 $idx = $inst_di->get_last_instruction_incompletude();
449 }
450 $inst_instruction = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
451 "obj" => "instruction",
452 "idx" => $idx,
453 ));
454 if (count($inst_instruction->val) > 0) {
455 $val_instruction = array();
456 $instruction_data = $inst_instruction->get_json_data();
457 $val_instruction = $this->sort_instruction_data($instruction_data, $val_instruction);
458 if ($instruction_data['om_fichier_instruction'] !== null
459 && $instruction_data['om_fichier_instruction'] !== '') {
460 //
461 $instruction_with_doc = $inst_instruction->getVal($inst_instruction->clePrimaire);
462 }
463 $inst_ev = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
464 "obj" => "evenement",
465 "idx" => $inst_instruction->getVal('evenement'),
466 ));
467 if ($inst_ev->getVal('retour') === 't') {
468 $instructions_related = $inst_instruction->get_related_instructions();
469 foreach ($instructions_related as $instruction) {
470 if ($instruction !== null && $instruction !== '') {
471 $inst_related_instruction = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
472 "obj" => "instruction",
473 "idx" => $instruction,
474 ));
475 $instruction_data = $inst_related_instruction->get_json_data();
476 $val_instruction = $this->sort_instruction_data($instruction_data, $val_instruction);
477 if ($instruction_data['om_fichier_instruction'] !== null
478 && $instruction_data['om_fichier_instruction'] !== '') {
479 //
480 $instruction_with_doc = $inst_related_instruction->getVal($inst_related_instruction->clePrimaire);
481 }
482 }
483 }
484 }
485 if ($instruction_with_doc !== null) {
486 //
487 $val_instruction['path'] = sprintf('%s&snippet=%s&obj=%s&champ=%s&id=%s', 'app/index.php?module=form', 'file', 'instruction', 'om_fichier_instruction', $instruction_with_doc);
488 }
489 }
490 return $val_instruction;
491 }
493 protected function sort_instruction_data(array $values, array $res) {
494 $fields = array(
495 "date_envoi_signature",
496 "date_retour_signature",
497 "date_envoi_rar",
498 "date_retour_rar",
499 "date_envoi_controle_legalite",
500 "date_retour_controle_legalite",
501 "signataire_arrete",
502 "om_fichier_instruction",
503 "tacite",
504 );
505 foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
506 if (in_array($key, $fields) === true) {
507 if (array_key_exists($key, $res) === false
508 && $value !== null
509 && $value !== '') {
510 //
511 $res[$key] = $value;
512 } elseif ($key === 'tacite'
513 && $value === 't') {
514 //
515 $res[$key] = $value;
516 }
517 }
518 }
519 return $res;
520 }
522 protected function get_document_numerise_data(string $dn) {
523 $val_dn = array();
524 $inst_dn = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
525 "obj" => "document_numerise",
526 "idx" => $dn,
527 ));
528 $val_dn = $inst_dn->get_json_data();
529 $val_dn['path'] = sprintf('%s&snippet=%s&obj=%s&champ=%s&id=%s', 'app/index.php?module=form', 'file', 'document_numerise', 'uid', $this->getVal('object_id'));
530 // Correspond à la nomenclature Plat'AU NATURE_PIECE
531 $val_dn['nature'] = $val_dn['document_numerise_nature_libelle'];
532 return $val_dn;
533 }
535 protected function get_parcelles_data(string $object, string $idx) {
536 $val_dp = array();
537 $inst_di = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
538 "obj" => $object,
539 "idx" => $idx,
540 ));
541 $list_parcelles = $inst_di->get_parcelles();
542 $no_ordre = 1;
543 foreach ($list_parcelles as $parcelle) {
544 $val_dp[$parcelle[$object.'_parcelle']] = array(
545 $object.'_parcelle' => $parcelle[$object.'_parcelle'],
546 'libelle' => $parcelle['libelle'],
547 'no_ordre' => $no_ordre,
548 );
549 $no_ordre++;
550 }
551 return $val_dp;
552 }
554 protected function view_form_json() {
555 // Mise à jour des valeurs
556 if ($this->f->get_submitted_post_value('valid') === 'true'
557 && $this->f->get_submitted_post_value('state') !== null) {
558 //
559 $params = array(
560 'val' => array(
561 'state' => $this->f->get_submitted_post_value('state')
562 ),
563 );
564 $update = $this->update_task($params);
565 $message_class = "valid";
566 $message = $this->msg;
567 if ($update === false) {
568 $this->addToLog($this->msg, DEBUG_MODE);
569 $message_class = "error";
570 $message = sprintf(
571 '%s %s',
572 __('Impossible de mettre à jour la tâche.'),
573 __('Veuillez contacter votre administrateur.')
574 );
575 }
576 $this->f->displayMessage($message_class, $message);
577 }
578 //
579 if ($this->f->get_submitted_post_value('valid') === 'true'
580 && $this->f->get_submitted_post_value('external_uid') !== null) {
581 //
582 $inst_lien = $this->f->get_inst__om_dbform(array(
583 "obj" => "lien_id_interne_uid_externe",
584 "idx" => ']',
585 ));
586 $valF = array(
587 'lien_id_interne_uid_externe' => '',
588 'object' => $this->get_lien_objet_by_type($this->getVal('type')),
589 'object_id' => $this->getVal('object_id'),
590 'external_uid' => $this->f->get_submitted_post_value('external_uid'),
591 );
592 $add = $inst_lien->ajouter($valF);
593 $message_class = "valid";
594 $message = $inst_lien->msg;
595 if ($add === false) {
596 $this->addToLog($inst_lien->msg, DEBUG_MODE);
597 $message_class = "error";
598 $message = sprintf(
599 '%s %s',
600 __("Impossible de mettre à jour le lien entre l'identifiant interne et l'identifiant de l'application externe."),
601 __('Veuillez contacter votre administrateur.')
602 );
603 }
604 $this->f->displayMessage($message_class, $message);
605 }
607 //
608 if ($this->f->get_submitted_post_value('valid') === null) {
609 // Liste des valeurs à afficher
610 $val = array();
611 //
612 $val_task = array_combine($this->champs, $this->val);
613 foreach ($val_task as $key => $value) {
614 $val_task[$key] = strip_tags($value);
615 }
616 $val_task['timestamp_log'] = json_decode($val_task['timestamp_log'], true);
617 $val['task'] = $val_task;
618 //
619 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'creation_DA') {
620 $val['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_dossier_autorisation_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
621 $val['donnees_techniques'] = $this->get_donnees_techniques_data($this->getVal('object_id'), 'dossier_autorisation');
622 $val['dossier_autorisation_parcelle'] = $this->get_parcelles_data('dossier_autorisation', $val['dossier_autorisation']['dossier_autorisation']);
623 $val_external_uid = array();
624 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier_autorisation']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
625 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
626 }
627 //
628 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'creation_DI'
629 || $this->getVal('type') === 'modification_DI'
630 || $this->getVal('type') === 'depot_DI') {
631 //
632 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
633 $val['donnees_techniques'] = $this->get_donnees_techniques_data($this->getVal('object_id'), 'dossier_instruction');
634 $val['demandeur'] = $this->get_demandeurs_data($val['dossier']['dossier']);
635 $architecte = isset($val['donnees_techniques']['architecte']) === true ? $val['donnees_techniques']['architecte'] : null;
636 $val['architecte'] = $this->get_architecte_data($architecte);
637 $val['dossier_parcelle'] = $this->get_parcelles_data('dossier', $val['dossier']['dossier']);
638 $val_external_uid = array();
639 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
640 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
641 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
642 }
643 //
644 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'qualification_DI') {
645 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
646 $val_external_uid = array();
647 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
648 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
649 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
650 }
651 //
652 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'ajout_piece') {
653 $val['document_numerise'] = $this->get_document_numerise_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
654 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($val['document_numerise']['dossier']);
655 $val_external_uid = array();
656 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
657 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
658 $val_external_uid['document_numerise'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['document_numerise']['document_numerise'], 'document_numerise');
659 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
660 }
661 //
662 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'decision_DI') {
663 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
664 $val['instruction'] = $this->get_instruction_data($val['dossier']['dossier']);
665 $val_external_uid = array();
666 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
667 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
668 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
669 }
670 //
671 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'incompletude_DI') {
672 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
673 $val['instruction'] = $this->get_instruction_data($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'incompletude');
674 $val_external_uid = array();
675 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
676 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
677 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
678 }
679 //
680 if ($this->getVal('type') === 'completude_DI') {
681 $val['dossier'] = $this->get_dossier_data($this->getVal('object_id'));
682 $val['instruction'] = $this->get_instruction_data($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'completude');
683 $val_external_uid = array();
684 $val_external_uid['dossier_autorisation'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier_autorisation'], 'dossier_autorisation');
685 $val_external_uid['dossier'] = $this->get_external_uid($val['dossier']['dossier'], 'dossier');
686 $val['external_uid'] = $val_external_uid;
687 }
689 // Liste des valeurs affichée en JSON
690 printf(json_encode($val, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
691 }
692 }
694 protected function get_lien_objet_by_type($type) {
695 //
696 $objet = '';
697 if ($type === 'creation_DA') {
698 $objet = 'dossier_autorisation';
699 }
700 if ($type === 'creation_DI'
701 || $type === 'depot_DI'
702 || $type === 'modification_DI'
703 || $type === 'qualification_DI'
704 || $type === 'decision_DI'
705 || $type === 'incompletude_DI'
706 || $type === 'completude_DI') {
707 //
708 $objet = 'dossier';
709 }
710 if ($type === 'ajout_piece') {
711 $objet = 'document_numerise';
712 }
713 return $objet;
714 }
715 }


Name Value
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