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Contents of /trunk/services/metier/consultationmanager.php

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Revision 564 - (show annotations)
Wed Oct 31 12:23:19 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by mlimic
File size: 12944 byte(s)
save of the consultation updates via rest, version I
1 <?php
3 /*
4 * Processes requests received via services which concern consultations (by
5 * ERP or other services).
6 *
7 * @author Mirna Limic <[email protected]>
8 * Date: 18/10/2012
9 *
10 * Follow-up:
11 * Bugs:
12 */
15 require_once ("./metier/metiermanager.php");
17 class ConsultationManager extends MetierManager {
20 /*
21 * Constructor.
22 *
23 * Calls it's parent constructor to establish a DB connection
24 * and initializes the instance variables
25 */
26 public function __construct() {
27 parent::__construct();
28 $this->date_limite = null;
29 $this->date_retour = null;
30 $this->date_envoi = null;
31 $this->dossier_id = null;
32 $this->decisions = null;
33 }
36 /*
37 * Destructor
38 *
39 * Call's its parent's destructor.
40 */
41 public function __destruct() {
42 parent::__destruct();
43 }
46 /*
47 * Verifies that a date falls inside of a date interval
48 * @param string $date_str The string that should fall
49 * within the interval
50 * @param string $date_start_str The begining of the interval
51 * @param string $date_end_str The end of the interval
52 * @return book true if $date_str is found inside of the
53 * interval, false otherwise
54 */
55 private function dateValid($date_str, $date_start_str = null,
56 $date_end_str = null) {
57 $dates_str = array($date_start_str, $date_end_str);
58 $dates = array();
59 for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
60 if ($dates_str[$i] == null) {
61 $dates[] = null;
62 continue;
63 }
64 $d = explode('-', $dates_str[$i]);
65 $dates[] = strtotime($d[2].'-'.$d[1].'-'.$d[0]);
66 }
67 $d = explode('/', $date_str);
68 $date = strtotime(implode('-', $d));
70 if ($dates[0] && $date < $dates[0]) {
71 return false;
72 }
73 if ($dates[1] && $date > $dates[1]) {
74 return false;
75 }
76 return true;
77 }
80 /*
81 * Searches for the consultation in DB to extract dates
82 * and the ID of the dossier the consultation belongs to.
83 * @param string $id The discussion id
84 * @return string OK on success, KO otherwise
85 */
86 private function getDataFromDB($id) {
87 $sql = 'SELECT date_envoi, date_retour, date_limite, dossier FROM '.
88 'consultation WHERE consultation = '.$id;
89 $res = $this->db->query($sql);
90 if ($this->checkDBError($res, 'Erreur lors de recuperation des dates '.
91 'de la consultation '.$id)) {
92 return $this->KO;
93 }
94 while ($row =& $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED)) {
95 $this->date_envoi = $row[0];;
96 $this->date_retour = $row[1];
97 $this->date_limite = $row[2];
98 $this->dossier_id = $row[3];
99 }
101 $res->free();
102 return $this->OK;
103 }
106 /*
107 * Verifies that the date_retour received in the incomming data
108 * is in the (date_envoi, date_limite) interval. Also, check that
109 * there is no date_retour set for the consultation, as well as the
110 * validity of the date itself
111 * @param string $date_str The date_retour recived in the request
112 * @param string $id The discussion id
113 * @return string OK on success, BAD_DATA if the data sent is invalid,
114 * KO otherwise
115 */
116 private function checkDates($date_str, $id) {
117 // check that the consultation exists in DB
118 if (!$this->date_limite) {
119 $this->setMessage("La consultation ".$id." n'était pas trouvé");
120 return $this->BAD_DATA;
121 }
123 // check that the date_retour does not already exist
124 if (!empty($this->date_retour)) {
125 $this->setMessage("Le date de retour de la consultation ".$id.
126 " existe déjà");
127 return $this->BAD_DATA;
128 }
130 // check that the date is valid
131 $date = explode("/", $date_str);
132 if (!checkdate($date[1], $date[0], $date[2])) {
133 $this->setMessage("Le date de retour fourni pour la consultation ".
134 $id." n'est pas bon (en bon format)");
135 return $this->BAD_DATA;
136 }
138 if (!$this->dateValid($date_str, $this->date_envoi, $this->date_limite)) {
139 $this->setMessage("Le date de retour fourni pour la consultation ".
140 $id." n'est pas entre le date d'envoi ".
141 "et le date limite de la demande de consultation");
142 return $this->BAD_DATA;
143 }
144 return $this->OK;
145 }
148 /*
149 * Verifies that the avis received in the incomming data corresponds
150 * to one of the avis found in DB.
151 * @param string $avis The avis recived in the request
152 * @param string $id The discussion id
153 * @return string OK on success, KO otherwise
154 */
155 private function avisValid($avis, $id) {
156 // get all of the decisions possible from table avis_decision
157 $sql = "SELECT libelle, avis_consultation FROM avis_consultation";
158 $res = $this->db->query($sql);
159 if ($this->checkDBError($res, 'Erreur lors de recuperation des avis '.
160 'possibles pendant traitement de la consultation '.$id)) {
161 return $this->KO;
162 }
164 $this->decisions = array();
165 while ($row =& $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED)) {
166 $this->decisions[$row[0]] = $row[1];
167 }
168 $res->free();
170 // check that the decision received corresponds to a decision in DB
171 if (!in_array($avis, array_keys($this->decisions))) {
172 $this->setMessage(
173 "L'avis de consultation reçu n'est pas trouvé dans la BD");
174 return $this->KO;
175 }
176 return $this->OK;
177 }
180 /*
181 * Verifies that all the data concerning file to be stored (if any)
182 * are present in full or not present at all
183 * @param mixed $data The data recived in the request
184 * @param string $id The discussion id
185 * @return string OK on success, KO otherwise
186 */
187 private function fichierDataValid(&$data, $id) {
188 // do the check
189 if (!isset($data['nom_fichier']) && isset($data['fichier_base64'])
190 || isset($data['nom_fichier']) && !isset($data['fichier_base64'])) {
191 $this->setMessage(
192 "Les données de fichier d'avis de la consultation ".$id.
193 " ne sont pas complètes ");
194 return $this->KO;
195 }
196 return $this->OK;
197 }
200 /*
201 * Store the data recived in the request into a file on the
202 * local filesystem.
203 * @todo This function will need to be changed for the save to
204 * be on GED
205 * @param mixed $data The data received with the request
206 * @param string $id The consultation ID
207 * @return string OK on success, KO otherwise
208 */
209 private function storeDecisionFile(&$data, $id) {
210 if (isset($data['fichier_base64'])) {
211 $dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../trs/'.$this->dossier_id;
213 // if a file already exists by that name and it
214 // is not a directory, back out
215 if (file_exists($dir) && !is_dir($dir)) {
216 $this->setMessage("Fichier d'avis ne peut pas être ".
217 "enregistré pour la consultation ".$id);
218 return $this->KO;
219 }
220 // if a dirextory by that name exists, make sure it does
221 // not already contain an avis de consultation
222 if (file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {
223 $dir_contents = trim(shell_exec('ls '.$dir));
224 if (strpos($dir_contents, ' ') != false) {
225 $dir_contents = explode(' ', $dir_contents);
226 } else {
227 $dir_contents = array($dir_contents);
228 }
229 foreach ($dir_contents as $filename) {
230 if (strspn($filename, 'consultation_'.$id.'_', 0) > 0) {
231 $this->setMessage("Un fichier d'avis existe déjà ".
232 "pour la consultation ".$id);
233 return $this->KO;
234 }
235 }
236 }
237 // if no file by that name exists, create the directory
238 if (!file_exists($dir)) {
239 if (!mkdir($dir, 0775)) {
240 $this->setMessage("Erreur dans la création de répertoire ".
241 "pour la sauvegarde de l'avis de la consultation ".$id);
242 return $this->KO;
243 }
244 }
247 // store the file contents into the file named:
248 // consultation_<ID>_<file_name_received>
249 $file_len = strlen($data['fichier_base64']);
250 $filename = $dir.'/consultation_'.$id.'_'.$data['nom_fichier'];
251 $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
252 if (!$file) {
253 $this->setMessage("Echec en création de pointeur de fichier ".
254 "pour la sauvegarde de l'avis de la consultation ".$id);
255 return $this->KO;
256 }
257 // check that the number of bytes written is equal to the length
258 // of the data received
259 $num_written = fwrite($file, $data['fichier_base64'], $file_len);
260 if (!$num_written || $num_written != $file_len) {
261 $this->setMessage("Sauvegarde de fichier d'avis pour la ".
262 "consultation ".$id." a échouée");
263 // remove the file
264 //print ' $num_written:'.$num_written."\r\n";
265 // the return value from shell can't be used for checking since
266 // one can not know if the NULL returned is because there was no
267 // output or because there was an error
268 $ret = shell_exec("rm -f $filename 2>&1");
269 //if ($ret == NULL) { // an error occured while deleting the file
270 // $msg = $this->getMessage();
271 // $this->setMessage($msg . ' Problème pendent la suppression '.
272 // 'des données corrompues');
273 //}
274 return $this->KO;
275 }
276 fclose($file);
277 }
278 return $this->OK;
279 }
281 /*
282 * Called when one of the external services sends its recommendation
283 * as a responde to a demand issued by openfoncier.
284 * @param mixed $data The array containing building number.
285 * @param string $id The ID of the dossier.
286 * @return bool 'OK'
287 */
288 public function consultationDecision($data, $id) {
290 // get all of the dates for the consultation from DB
291 // and check the date received is ok with respect to the
292 // time interval set by (date_envoi, date_limite)
293 // equally extract the dossier ID while at it
294 $res = $this->getDataFromDB($id);
295 if ($res != $this->OK) {
296 return $res;
297 }
299 // check that the date sent is applicable
300 $res = $this->checkDates($data['date_retour'], $id);
301 if ($res != $this->OK) {
302 return $res;
303 }
305 // check that data regarding fichier is complete
306 $res = $this->fichierDataValid($data, $id);
307 if ($res != $this->OK) {
308 return $res;
309 }
312 // check that the decision sent is one of the decisions found in DB
313 // and store the possible decisions in $this->decisions
314 $res = $this->avisValid($data['avis'], $id);
315 if ($res != $this->OK) {
316 return $res;
317 }
319 // first store the file if needed
320 $res = $this->storeDecisionFile($data, $id);
321 if ($res != $this->OK) {
322 return $res;
323 }
325 // update the DB
326 $date = explode("/", $data['date_retour']);
327 $sql = "UPDATE consultation SET ".
328 "date_retour = DATE '".
329 $date[2]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[0]."', ";
330 if (isset($data['motivation'])) {
331 $sql .= "motivation = " . $data['motivation'] . ", ";
332 }
333 if (isset($data['nom_fichier'])) {
334 $sql .= "fichier = '".$data['nom_fichier'] . "', ";
335 }
336 $sql .= "avis_consultation = ".$this->decisions[$data['avis']].
337 ", lu = false WHERE consultation = ".$id;
339 $res = $this->db->query($sql);
340 if ($this->checkDBError($res, 'Erreur lors de mis à jour '.
341 'de la consultation '.$id.' dans le DB')) {
342 return $this->KO;
343 }
345 $this->setMessage("L'avis de la consultation ".$id.
346 " a été pris en compte");
347 return $this->OK;
348 }
351 }
353 ?>

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